Prepare Your Lawn for the Cold
Your lawn will most likely be at its best during the summer season because of all the sunshine its gets. Even though summer is ending, you should still perform some maintenance on it in order to ensure it stays healthy all year. Remember that if you’re trying to sell your home, a healthy lawn will be more appealing to potential home buyers. It plays a huge role in your home’s overall curb appeal. Home Key Title in Westborough has some tips to help your lawn transition into the fall.
Take Care of the Weeds
When the summer starts to make its transition to fall, it’s the perfect time to remove the weeds from your lawn. Taking care of the weeds now will ensure that they don’t put out your grass seeds and start to take over your lawn during the cold seasons. If there aren’t too many weeds in your lawn, you can remove them by simply digging and pulling them out. You want to make sure you remove the root completely in order to avoid the weeds springing back up. You can also use herbicides to make sure the root is fully removed. Herbicides are also more practical if your yard has more than just a few weeds.
Aerate Your Lawn
Aerating your lawn is done to allow air, water and nutrients to reach your grass’ roots. This process loosens up the soil that gets compacted by foot traffic and the elements. For larger lawns, aerating is easier to accomplish with an aerator. Check with your local garden store to see if they rent aerators. For smaller lawns, a spading for can do the trick. Simply stick the fork a few inches into the soil and move it back and forth a few times to loosen the soil.
The Perfect Time to Seed
This time of the year is the perfect time to seed your yard. Take advantage of the fact that you just removed the weeds from your lawn and lay down some seed in those areas. Since the weather is cool but not extremely cold, the seeds have a chance to develop strong roots without struggling with extreme weather conditions. Seeding now can produce great results for your lawn once the cold winter months are gone.
Title Insurance in Westborough
If you want to sell your home and need help with title insurance in Westborough, contact Home Key Title for help. Give us a call at (508) 475- 5502 and make sure to ask about all the services we provide.